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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pete Goes Toe-to-Toe with Cult Member Bill Grant to Reclaim His Son

This is an email conversation I had with Bill Grant - who is a movie producer or something... His wife, Karen Grant, is the one who ran interference for Merilee Lovell when she taught racist ideas to my older son.   After conspiring to hide my daughter, they snatched up my son when we lost our home.   After getting nowhere with Karen, I sent Bill an email to his office and received an auto-reply with the email addresses of his entire staff.  I decided I'd threaten to share Bill and Karen's beliefs with Bill's staff.  The following is the email exchange:

From: Pete Karaiskos
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 9:14 PM
To: Bill Grant
Subject: They're Your Beliefs

Why are you ashamed of your beliefs?  You're not worried the colorful people in your office might look at you differently if they knew you support a belief system that declares they are inferior... are you?  I'm sure they can't imagine why you would support such a set of beliefs... and yet YOU DO! 

Stop lying to Chris{my son} she knows it because I showed it to her.  24 pages of racist material from your guru.  Just unfortunate he lived in "racist" times... right?  The savior of the world couldn't help himself?  Hey Bill... they teach those exact things in Waldorf teacher training TODAY.  Karen knows this too.  Why Bill?  Why not edit out the racist material for the teacher training?  Is it because it's "important" for teachers to "know" these things about the races... in case they have children of color in their classroom?  Or is it just because nobody dares to edit the words of Steiner.

Don't worry... your co-workers won't confront you... but they WILL KNOW.  But hey - they're your beliefs.  Presumably, you are proud of them... so what harm would it do to let people in on them?  You and Karen are very secretive about these beliefs aren't you?  Why?  They're your beliefs!!!  Make them known.

You and your wife are cult-members and need to distance yourselves from my boy.  What happened to my daughter will not happen again here.  I know how upset {my son} is over this - and I'm still writing you - so YOU need to know how serious I am.  Find a way. 

You've stressed my son needlessly over this by sharing these emails.  You're adding to your bill... Bill.  


I have not answered any of your e-mails because you make absolutely no sense. However since you won’t leave my family alone and are threatening to spread your sick delusional thoughts beyond my household, I guess it is my responsibility to formally tell you to stop bothering us. So stop it Pete. And since your horrible accusations and attacks on me seem to have started because {your son} is staying with us, I’d like to remind you of one simple fact: 
Your 19 year old son is staying at our house because you were evicted and he needed a place to sleep. Since he is a classmate of my daughter,  we accepted him into our home. He eats and sleeps here and he is free to leave whenever he wants. I know he has told you this as well so I’m at a loss as to why you continue bothering us. Talk to your sons, not us.
That’s it.
You should also know that I will not be engaging with you beyond this e-mail and if you persist in threatening or bothering me, my family, or anyone I know, I will take the appropriate action to make you stop.  Do yourself a favor and stop.  I’m not the guy you want to take on.

I'm not the guy you want to take on either Bill... but thanks for growing some nuts finally.  As a courtesy for responding at long last, I won't copy your troop on this one.

My boys and I were evicted because people at Highland Hall conspired to help hide {my daughter} from the police when she was overdosing on drugs and missing.  For THREE MONTHS... while I was looking for my daughter, people at Highland Hall were tearing down Missing Child posters Bill.  Are you kidding me?  You think you and Karen are heroes for taking {my son} in after helping to get us evicted?

THAT'S why we were evicted.  So get off your fucking high horse - OK?  Your wife is partly to blame for the harm that came to my daughter - going back years.  She was on the board and defended Mrs. Leonard... who is now TRAINING TEACHERS at Highland Hall.  If Karen wasn't tearing down Missing Child posters - she could have worked to stop the people who were.  But it gets more personal than that, Bill.  {My son} wanted to call DCFS and Karen made sure he didn't.  BTW, Karen didn't call them either.  She joined Highland Hall in blocking my efforts as
{my daughter} almost died of overdose after overdose... Asshole! 

Take whatever actions you want Bill - I'll take better ones I promise you!  I've told you - you're going to court over this.  You think a judge will restrain me over emails?  Maybe you just shouldn't open them?  You're going to have to trump up charges... What?  You harmed my daughter and have taken my son into your home... and now I'm upset.  Let a judge restrain me... over emails.  I'll have him in front of the Attorney General so fast it will make his head spin.  After what I've been through with YOU?  Remember, YOU are the ones on record as having harmed my children. I have sworn depositions.  I've dealt with this sort of harassment before from Highland Hall.  Let's go Bill...

With regard to your loss at why I keep bothering you Bill - for one... you don't answer... but also, if you will grow the balls to read my emails, I've already explained this to you.  You and Karen are part of a cult.  You can argue this... but then look who would rather threaten me than have his beliefs exposed to his co-workers?  If something I'm saying doesn't make sense, please feel free to ask me to clarify.  Your cult is racist by the way.  Do you get what racist means?  It also places the white race above other races. You get what that makes you... right?

You influence my son - even though he's nineteen... you have had influence over him since he was a minor.  You will see how easy it is for me to prove this in court.  If you don't understand what a cult is, you should look it up - since it apparently doesn't make sense to you when I tell you this.  Highland Hall fits EVERY description of a cult Bill... and MANY people who have been here describe it as one.  Cults tend to do the things Highland Hall does... break the law, cover up wrongdoings, lie to the public and so on. 

Your excuse that {my son} is 19 doesn't hold water.  You've had him in your control for over a decade and that makes you liable under the laws I identified.  So Bill, know that you are a criminal and I will continue to do whatever I need to do in order to remove him from the influence of you, your wife and the cult you both belong to.  I was hoping as a father you would understand this and that we could work out a plan for him to move elsewhere without distressing him too much. If, instead, you want to fight me - take your best shot Bill... I'll take mine.

I haven't broken the law... you have.  Please reconsider trying to fight me.  Let's put aside our differences and open a line of communication and work together to get {my son} to a new location.  Then we can resume whatever it is we need to settle.

I'll give you a day to think about it.

Just so we don't waste a day while you're deciding if you're going to fight me...

If you don't think Highland Hall teaches racism to children... Explain how they conduct the Pentathlon to me Bill.  Do you even KNOW what that's about?

Try to describe it without talking about separating the kids according to their physical attributes.

Get a clue will ya?  You'll need one in order to answer questions.  This might help...

Racism is ugly Bill.  You should consider carefully which institutions you support when you're in the public eye.  When you influence other people's kids... that's VERY ugly.

Please consider not forcing my hand for once.



If you have a lawyer, you may want to verify this with him:

Here's what I have in mind... and I'll be adding to this list - both with people and with charges.  I have documentation and witnesses to support every claim I'm making:

Karen Grant: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278, conspiracy to defame.
Bill Grant: Conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278

In case others you know are interested:

Hal Sazzman: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to cover up the violation of mandated reporting laws, conspiracy to cover up two counts of child molestation.  I also have reports Hal took kickbacks of $10,000 for at least one of the building projects (the offices).  I'll be verifying that one further before adding more fraud charges to Hal's dossier.

Humberto Ramirez: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278 in connection with drugs.  I have had several reports of Humberto sharing marijuana with students.

Carrie Ashby: Fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278 with malicious intent - to hide my daughter while she was in medical danger (overdosed and at the ER - with Jim Pedroja and Angela), defamation of character, conspiracy to defame my character (along with Laura Ferris and Aaron Schmidt) with malicious intent.

Aaron Schmidt: Conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278, conspiracy to commit fraud and to hide cases of hitchhiking, conspiracy to defame my character, conspiracy to cover up child endangerment.

Ed Eadon: Conspiracy to commit fraud, perjury/providing false testimony to minor's counsel with malicious intent, defamation of character,  conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278, conspiracy to cover up child abuse.

Hasib Saliefendic: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278, fraud against the state of California with regard to
{my daughter}'s IEP and current health care, conspiracy to cover up child abuse.  I'm going to report Hasib to the IRS for advertising his website on a 501-c3 site.

Andrew Sapin: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278.

Laura Ferris: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278, defamation of character, conspiracy to cover up child abuse.

Patty McNulty: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to cover up child abuse.

Lisa Profumo: Fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, violation of mandated reporting laws, conspiracy to cover up the violation of mandated reporting laws, conspiracy to cover up at least two counts of child molestation, conspiracy to cover up child abuse.

Jim Pedroja: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to cover up the violation of mandated reporting laws, conspiracy to cover up two counts of child molestation, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278, reckless child endangerment.

Jack Bryant: Conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278 - through the use of drugs, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to cover up child abuse.

Christine Leonard: Several counts of fraud with malicious intent, conspiracy to commit fraud, defamation of character, direct abuse of children including
{my daughter}.  My list for Christine is quite long.

Merrily Lovell: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to cover up the violation of mandated reporting laws, conspiracy to cover up two counts of child molestation, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278.

Rachael Pflugg: Conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to cover up the violation of mandated reporting laws, conspiracy to cover up two counts of child molestation, conspiracy to violate California Penal Code – Section 278.  I'm also going to report her to the IRS for advertising her private - for-profit company on a 501-c3 website all these years.

Have I forgotten anyone?  I'll get to the Waldorf's, the Rubinicks, the Blakes... other board members... our alumni director and any others who have conspired  with you to separate me from my kids. 

You and your cult had motive... it's written in stone by Steiner... it's what you do.  I can prove your motives!  You are part of a sick cult and collectively, you broke the law.  Now you will pay!  My kids will see once and for all - who the real monsters are!!!

Talk with your attorney Bill.  Feel free to pass this on to anyone I've listed.  As my good friend Hal once told me "Enough is enough!"  You've pushed me farther than you should have... now everyone pays!

Feel free to call me any time to apologize for the harm you've done... but only after you truly understand it.


Shortly afterward, my son called to let me know he would be moving out of the Grant's home.   I was able to put both my sons up in their own apartment.

Highland Hall Waldorf School - Conspiracy Efforts

Here's another one of these email exchanges that need to be read from the bottom up to make sense of it.  In summary, Highland Hall's then Business Manager, and live-in boyfriend of my ex, Jim Pedroja, tried to extort money from me that had already been paid... On my ex's request - which he put RIGHT ON THE BILL.  This is an indicator of the kinds of problems I was facing with Highland Hall.  As always, dishonesty and intimidation are the main themes for Jim Pedroja.

Remember to start at the bottom... 

Sorry, high school trip fees are not included in the tuition and haven't been for over 15 years. Please refer to the attached.  Christopher's 9th grade trip fee remains outstanding. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Karaiskos []
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 4:08 PM
To: Jim Pedroja
Subject: Zero Balance...


It appears my memory was correct - that Christopher's trip is paid up and that I don't owe anything.  So, for the moment, it seems I'm completely paid up.  It would appear Angela's request was completely unfounded - as was your bill to me.

Have a great day!

Pete Karaiskos

Email from Class Treasurer...


As I recall, the money for the field trip was in the tuition?  I do remember asking for money for the class fund but we have covered it with the money we made at the May faire - we cleared over 500 dollars


Email to Class Treasurer...

Hi Sarah,

Do I owe the class money for Christopher's field trip this year?  I don't remember whether I paid my share for it or not.  If not, how much was the per-student cost?  Thanks!!!


Dear Pete,

Sorry  that our bill caused you so much concern.  For your information, we regularly split charges between divorced or separated parents, either by amount or by type of charge  for probably 25 or 30  students a year.   You indicate you are accepting responsibility for  at least one of the items billed for which we thank you  and conclude  that the request by Angela was correct and useful in addressing this matter.  As always, if the items we billed to you are not your responsibility or are incorrect for any reason,  then kindly tell us and we will promptly correct the matter.  

We did not intend to bill you for two years trip fees.  However, I see in my file an early draft of the bill  in which the captions mistakenly identified the periods involved as next year and the year following. If that older version was what I sent to you then I apologize, though the  line by line wording on  the charges  identifies the grades involved  which appear correct  to me.  I am attaching the bill  I intended to send you.  As per our tuition contract we send bills to all parents in May and June for the upcoming school year with payment expected in July  unless a monthly payment plan has been arranged. 

Arrangements for the 8th grade trip are made by the teacher and parents of the class including setting and collecting the fee. Please direct your concerns  to the class teacher or room reps . 


Jim Pedroja    

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Karaiskos []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 9:17 PM
Subject: Your letter to me
Hi Jim,

I am in receipt of your recent letter to me dated May 23rd.  I see that it was sent at Angela's request.  While I understand you must be in a difficult position here considering your close relationship with Angela,  I would encourage you to avoid the temptation to support Angela in her ongoing psychotic efforts to intimidate me with this sort of nonsense.  

The reasoning behind your letter isn't clear, and in fact looks pretty shady.  So let's get to the bottom of this and see if we're talking about official school policy or conspiratorial (you and Angela) intimidation, shall we?

We both know it is not school policy for all parents to pay for two years of field trips in advance, so if the school is officially insisting that I alone pay in advance for two years of trips for the kids, please explain the school's reasons for making this request of me. 

Also, please list for me all the other parents in Christopher's and {Daughter}'s classes who have also been contacted recently (or in the past for that matter) with a demand to pay for two years of field trips in advance.

I see from your letter that I'm apparently behind for 1/2 of Christopher's trip (for which I received no notice from the school).  Had the school notified me and told me how much the trip costs were, I certainly would have paid my portion.  This is the first I've heard of the cost of the trip.  I know both room reps well and would have expected a call if I missed a payment.  I'm happy to pay my share of $215. 

If Highland Hall is using this late payment as the reason for the school insisting on two years of field trip money up-front, then please show me how this rule has been evenly applied to other parents who have not paid or paid late.  I think we both know this isn't coming from Highland Hall.

{Daughter} has informed me that she doesn't want to go on her field trip this year - and that she doesn't feel safe around the people there.  Considering some of the things that have happened on other Highland Hall field trips, I certainly can't blame her.  I'm not about to force {Daughter} to go somewhere she doesn't feel safe.  While I'm quite sure Angela will push this issue and try to force {Daughter} to go against her will, I'm not going to pay in advance for a trip she may not attend.  Highland Hall is notorious for not refunding money to parents who pay things in advance (that would be you Jim).  If {Daughter} ends up going, I will, of course, pay my half of the trip.

I've been on well over half a dozen school camping trips.  I'm self employed - with no vacation time - so it costs me a week of income every time I go on one of these trips, Jim.  I've also attended and even organized several school field trips - all at my own expense.  I'm not complaining or looking for a reward or gratitude, but do ya think, taking into consideration how much I've already contributed of my time and money beyond what is expected of me to these types of trips over the years, you could, for a minute, stop supporting Angela's nonsense and treat me with the respect I have earned... maybe?  Geez...

Since you and Angela are so close, you might ask her when she's going to give up a week of her time to go on one of these trips.  Other teachers make the time to go - as do many other very busy parents.  When is Angela going to pitch in and do her fair share?  

I understand that Angela has serious psychological problems, but they are not my problems Jim - and they shouldn't be your problems either.  I understand that she is behind your letter, but her sense of me is very twisted.  I am an excellent father to my kids and I have always done more than my fair share for Highland Hall - far more than most parents.  Considering how rudely Highland Hall has treated me in return, that in and of itself shows considerable character on my part. 

Conversely, your acquiescence to Angela's ridiculous demand for two years of field trip expenses in advance shows a lack of character on your part.  It also demonstrates your personal proclivity to conspire with her against me.  Be very sure before you put yourself in that position, Jim.

I'll drop off a check for $215 for Christopher's trip before the end of the school year, and unless Angela forces {Daughter} to go on her trip, I don't expect to hear about future field trip costs until next year when those costs are due for everyone else. 

If the school wants to contact me about anything in the future, it would probably be best if they didn't mention that Angela is behind the request.  The school acting on Angela's behalf on divorce issues is highly inappropriate and will be a red flag for anyone looking at this.  I'll save a copy of this letter and your letter - just in case Angela wishes to develop this issue further.

I anticipate, once you have realized you were completely out-of-line issuing Angela's demands in a letter with your name and the school's name on it - an apology from you will be forthcoming.

Warm regards,


Bill from Highland Hall

Monday, June 13, 2011

Souls of Terror - Discovering the truth about Waldorf

Below is an excerpt from the new Anthroposophy-based thriller - Souls of Terror - a New Age Thriller.  In this scene, a terrified father discovers his wife has disappeared with their son and the son's Waldorf teacher.  For people who have experienced the dishonesty at the hands of Waldorf, this is a poignant example of what goes through a parent's mind when the lights suddenly come on.

Reprinted with permission of the author... Anthony P. Norse... Souls of Terror - pp49-54

Pinedale, Oregon
As he was driving home from the Waldorf School, Chris felt small and
alone. He noticed that his knuckles were white on the steering wheel.
Guilt overwhelmed his senses and caused a flood of questions to flow
through his tired mind.
Why did I not see this coming? What happened to my marriage—to my family?
Sitting with his laptop and a notepad at his kitchen table, Chris sipped on
a hot café latte. He stared pensively at the frothy drink. It was two years ago
at Christmas that his wife had given him a fancy coffee machine, along with a
warm hug and a Christmas kiss. They had been together for fifteen years.
Now she had disappeared with his son. It felt like a bad dream. At least the
coffee smelled and tasted good; he appreciated the caffeine buzz after a
nearly sleepless night.
He wanted to find someone to listen to him scream at the injustice of
what had happened, but he knew his priority needed to be finding his wife
and son. Still, a friend would be helpful. For the past many years, however,
his work and family had replaced his old friends. He tried to think of someone
to contact, someone who might understand, someone to offer advice . . .
or at least a shoulder to cry on.
He came up blank.
The only face that finally came to mind was that of his sister, Kate. But
they barely spoke these days. It would be an understatement to suggest that
Kate and his wife did not get along. The two women despised each other.
Although she lived not far away in Portland, Kate never came to visit. She
thought the world of Mike and would always send gifts on birthdays. But
shortly after Mike started at the Waldorf School, Serena had insisted that
Chris’s sister stay out of the family’s life.
Chris had pleaded with her and tried to get his sister to be more polite.
But when Serena called Kate a boorish tomboy and Kate responded by
calling Serena a spoiled New Age flake, things fell apart completely. That
was during Christmas dinner four years ago. Kate was outspoken and extremely
honest—to the point of finding fault with almost every facet of
Serena’s life. Not that those faults were not present, but Kate did not
understand the concept of “tact.” The two women were polar opposites and
the real victim of their rivalry was Mike.
Chris remembered pre-Waldorf days when Kate would take Mike to the
park and chase him around the playground. Kate-the-Grizzly-Bear and Mike
the helpless little camper fleeing for his life and laughing until he cried when
she caught him. Kate always found those special “tickle spots” under his
Chris smiled at the memory and found himself tapping his sister’s number
into his phone. He desperately needed to talk and Kate seemed to be his
best bet. He left a brief message on her answering machine and then thought
of how he could spend his time wisely.
He was sure Serena and Mike were with Sophia Meyer. He knew that
Miss Meyer was a dedicated Waldorf teacher and he also knew that his wife
had become enamored with everything Waldorf. The founding philosophy of
Waldorf was called Anthroposophy. He’d been told that word simply meant
Wisdom of Man.
He stared at the Google homepage on his laptop. Snippets of conversations
slowly made their way to the forefront of his mind—parent meetings at
the school, things his wife had told him about Miss Meyer, words that were
used to describe Mike’s school work.
He knew that both women believed in the need for Mike to excel at all
Waldorf disciplines. Chris thought he should try to learn more about what his
son had been doing at the school. He typed into his computer’s search
engine: “eurythmy and form drawings and Waldorf education.” The search
yielded over two thousand results. He also knew that Mike had been doing
wet-on-wet paintings for years at Waldorf—a watercolor technique involving
special paints and paper. Google came up with more than eight thousand
results. Clearly, he would need to refine his search. He finished his coffee
and tried a few more searches—with similar results. He clicked on a few
links but soon realized the futility of the exercise.
He thought again of his son. Where had they taken him? On a frustrated
whim, Chris went back to the Google homepage and typed, “Problem with
Waldorf.” He scanned the first few results until he came to a link that
piqued his interest. He read:
Does your child’s Waldorf School seem more like a religious seminary?
Concerned about your child’s Waldorf education? What is
Anthroposophy? Has Waldorf affected your marriage? You are not
alone. Visit one of the Waldorf Critical websites and discover what
lies beneath the surface of Waldorf education.
This sounded interesting—alarmist perhaps, but certainly worth a look.
He clicked around a few different websites. Two hours later Chris sat back
in his chair and felt like the shocked and bitterly disappointed child who has
just discovered that there really is no Santa Claus.
He felt stunned at his ignorance. Chris knew the many wonderful qualities
of Waldorf education—and there were many—but he had been unaware
of the deeply esoteric foundation of his child’s school. He learned that many
people described Waldorf and its founding philosophy as “cult-like.”
In two short hours, Chris discovered that many Waldorf teachers are devout
Anthroposophists who truly believe in their karmic mission to work
with the souls and spirits of children as they incarnate. They accomplish this
task by connecting spiritually with children, who they are convinced, have
chosen them as spiritual guides from a pre-earthly existence. Waldorf teacher
training, he learned, is full of lessons dealing with soul and karma and destiny
and reincarnation. Teachers believe they have a special karmic connection
with the souls of children in their care.
Although Waldorf schools supply parents with plenty of wonderful quotes
by and about Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education, Chris now
discovered more pronouncements Steiner had made to the first Waldorf
teachers under his tutelage—quotes still taken as gospel truth by Waldorf
teachers today:
We can accomplish our work only if we do not see it as simply a
matter of intellect or feeling, but in the highest sense, as a moral
spiritual task. Therefore, you will understand why, as we begin this
work today, we first reflect on the connection we wish to create
from the very beginning between our activity and the spiritual
worlds. Thus, we wish to begin our preparation by first reflecting
upon how we connect with the spiritual powers in whose service
and in whose name each one of us must work.
Among the faculty, we must certainly carry within us the knowledge
that we are not here for our own sakes, but to carry out the
divine cosmic plan. We should always remember that when we do
something, we are actually carrying out the intentions of the gods,
that we are, in a certain sense, the means by which that streaming
down from above will go out into the world.
You will have to take over children for their education and instruction–
children who will have received already (as you must remember)
the education, or mis-education given them by their
Chris learned that although the schools referred to Rudolf Steiner as a
“philosopher,” or a “scientist,” he was more deeply connected to occultism
than philosophy or science. The man had never been a parent, had no formal
teacher training and had spent very little time with children. Surprisingly,
however, Chris discovered that Waldorf teacher training is based almost
entirely on the beliefs of this self-professed clairvoyant. Waldorf teachers in
training had to read Steiner—lots of Steiner. Required reading included
books like Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment, Occult Science,
Reincarnation and Karma, Manifestations of Karma, and The Spiritual Hierarchies.
Chris warmed up leftover soup and sat back at his kitchen table, staring at
the laptop. He had known there was a spiritual element to Waldorf education,
but he’d been given very innocent explanations about what that entailed.
Nobody had said anything about reincarnation or spiritual hierarchies.
He realized now that he had always felt uncomfortable with the lack of
books—especially textbooks in the school. He remembered his concerns
about reading and writing being discouraged for younger children. Just what
had his son been learning and why had Serena taken him away?
When Mike was a toddler and Chris and Serena began to think about his
education, the young couple had been excited to discover the gentle Waldorf
Island in the turbulent sea of pop culture, junk food vending machines and
cookie-cutter academics of conventional education. They were told Waldorf
was an arts-based school with lots of wooden toys and crafts and outdoor
playtime for children. They had wanted Mike to learn slowly, naturally, and
Waldorf had seemed like the perfect fit. And in some ways it was a good fit.
Chris finished his soup and stared through the kitchen window at the line
of poplar trees that bordered his property, watching them sway in the cool
September wind. Had he been duped? Had his wife fallen into some sort of
weird cult? Is that why she had left him and taken their son? He remembered
various comments and concerns of other Waldorf parents over the
years. Many families had pulled their children from the school out of frustration
and unanswered questions. But there were always new families arriving.
Chris recalled the excitement of Mike’s first day in grade one. He remembered
meeting Miss Meyer, thinking it odd that Waldorf teachers stay
with the same group of students for eight years, but also feeling grateful that
the woman seemed kind, always shaking hands and smiling and speaking
quietly to the children as they ran and jumped and played in the woods
beside the school.
He remembered betting his wife that Miss Meyer must have lived in a
hippy commune in the seventies or eighties, with her long cotton dresses and
bulky plain blouses, wool socks and sandals. Serena had laughed at the
suggestion and they ordered pizza for dinner that night and ate Haagen Dazs
for dessert and watched hockey on TV. Even Serena had cheered when the
Portland Winter Hawks scored the winning goal in overtime.
Those days had long since passed. He could not remember the last time
they had eaten pizza for dinner, let alone watched anything on TV. Dinners
were good but always very healthy—including certain grains that needed to
be served on certain days of the week, as per “Steiner’s indications.” Chris
had not understood Serena’s strange explanation but he knew it had something
to do with Anthroposophy.
Chris looked down at his laptop. There was an email address on one of
the info-packed Waldorf critical websites, where people could send questions
to volunteers with expertise in Anthroposophy and other “cult-like”
organizations. Questions could be submitted anonymously and would be
kept confidential.
Almost unconsciously, Chris began writing his question, oblivious to the
fact that he was actually spilling his guts in an email to a total stranger. His
anonymous “question” included his feelings of guilt and stupidity for allowing
this situation to happen. He told of the distance between himself and his wife
since she had drifted deeper into Waldorf and Anthroposophy, how frustrated
he had been for a couple of years now and how unable (or unwilling?) he was
to communicate with his wife. He went so far as to write about the complete
lack of intimacy between them for more than a year. Before he could change
his mind he signed it, “Sad Dad” and pushed send.
He sat for twenty minutes, lost in thought, staring at the trees in the wind
until the ping of his laptop told of an email received:
Hi Sad Dad,
I’m sorry to hear of your current dilemma. Although your case is
extreme, we’ve seen many relationship problems where one
spouse falls hard for the spiritual movement and the other feels
confused, angry, and hurt. Unfortunately, Waldorf promoters often
neglect to inform parents of the esoteric foundation of the “philosophy”
and you are certainly not the first parent to feel duped or
confused. The movement’s PR can feel disingenuous and misleading
after the fact and it often takes time for parents to realize the
fit for their families might not be right. Some schools have excellent
teachers, however, and are less Anthroposophic and/or more
open than others.
There is tremendous potential for Waldorf education but parents
are often concerned when their children seem to drift away
from reality. This is not what they signed up and paid for. If the
movement is to truly “move” in a positive direction, the leadership
will need to clearly explain the esoteric foundation to parents and
learn to resolve the obvious problems associated with spiritual and
racial hierarchies. I’ll attach a list of reading material and websites
that might help you understand the foundation of Anthroposophy
and Waldorf education. Best of luck.
Chris opened the attachment and counted references to seventeen books
and twenty-three websites. Spiritual and racial hierarchies? He walked to the
living room and stretched out on the couch. He could not remember the last
time he’d cried. It was probably years ago when his parents had died. The car
crash had happened when his wife was pregnant with Mike.
He thought again of his son. Tears flowed. The pent-up frustration and
resentment from the past couple of years exploded with every heavy heartbeat.
He felt sad, alone and completely helpless.


You can purchase Souls of Terror HERE.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Email - Leonard Abuse


I know many of you who have been following this drama are not parents of the 5th grade so you probably didn't receive the letter below from Highland Hall's Evaluation Committee.  I include it below so that some closure can be realized for those of us who are as concerned about the actions of the school as the actions of Mrs. Leonard.  I also have included my commentary after the letter because *true* closure will not occur until the people who have been intentionally and regularly exposing our children to harm in order to cover up the activities of one of their own have been held accountable for their actions.  Here is Highland Hall's letter:


April 7, 2004

Dear Parents of the Fifth Grade,

In the school’s last communication to you, we welcomed Christine Leonard as the continuing class teacher for your students.  Since then, some continued events including a questionable for Main Lesson, have caused us some concerns about Christine’s recent choices for the class.  Therefore, after careful consideration and extensive discussion, the Evaluation Committee with the concurrence of the College, has decided to put Christine on a paid leave of absence for an as-yet undetermined period of time.

We appreciate the many gifts Christine brings to the Fifth grade class as their teacher and greatly value the positive work and heartfelt care she brings to both her class and the school as a whole.   It is our goal to use this time to work with Christine to arrive at the best decision for her and the Fifth grade class.

First and foremost, our primary concern is to ensure that the children of the Fifth grade are cared for and able to continue their education with the support of the whole school.   If your children have questions about this matter, we strongly remind you that the information we share here is meant for you, as adults.  Please use caution and restraint in what you share with your child; words can be very powerful in the images they convey.  We suggest that you share with your child that Ms. Leonard has been given this time off and that this is not a “punishment”.  A faculty member will greet them on Monday morning to speak about this change and introduce their substitute teacher.  All of the teachers will continue to carry the class and we will let you know as soon as possible who their substitute teacher will be during this time. 

Many of you may be aware of the recent email campaign criticizing Christine and the school.  Please be assured that our decision has not been shaped by these actions, but was made to support both the students and the class teacher.

Because of vacation planning and holidays, it is not feasible to hold a parent meeting during spring break.  We expect to hold one shortly after school resumes.  To minimize any disruption to the class’ rhythms and plans during this time, we are working closely with Christine and will contact you as more information is finalized.   If you have any questions or comments, please contact Lori Gardner on behalf of the Evaluation Committee.


The Evaluation Committee
Noah Williams, Merrily Lovell, Humberto Ramirez, Joan Newton, Lori Gardner


I would first like to thank Highland Hall for not dragging this out through the end of the semester and for finally taking appropriate action.  I am also grateful for the obvious learning experience that has transpired on the part of Highland Hall as evidenced by their statement above "words can be very powerful in the images they convey."  This is, of course taken out of context and the complete sentence is "Please use caution and restraint in what you share with your child; words can be very powerful in the images they convey."  It is unfortunate that the powerful images conveyed to our children by Mrs. Leonard's words of rape, incest, battery and mutilation were not immediately taken seriously by the very same people who now advise us as we are speaking to our child of Mrs. Leonard's leave of absence, that we had better watch what we say. 

I hope Highland Hall's Evaluation Committee does not take offense when I choose not to accept their advice regarding communication with my children as experts on communication they certainly are not.  I have no trouble communicating honestly with my daughter and I will simply suggest that Mrs. Leonard may have been a sick person who was very good at disguising her illness through deceit and now has the opportunity to rest and get help.  In fact, I will only have to confirm this as  my daughter already has come to this conclusion on her own.  I will, however, avoid confirming to my child that Highland Hall, having been made aware of her illness continued to support Mrs. Leonard - but she knows this too.  I hope I will not be forced to explain that many people at Highland Hall suffer to some degree from a similar illness and, perhaps, that's why Mrs. Leonard's illness may have seemed normal to them.  Maybe this illness is genetic - let's ask Rudolf Steiner:

"The girl L.K. in class one of those cases that are occurring more and more frequently where children are born and human forms exist which actually, with regard to the highest member the ego, are not human at all but are inhabited by beings who do not belong to the human race...They are very different from human beings where spiritual matters are concerned. For instance they can never memorise sentences, only words. I do not like speaking about these things, as there is considerable opposition about this. Just imagine what people would say if they heard that we are talking about human beings who are not human beings. Nevertheless these are facts. Furthermore, there would not be such a decline of culture if there were a strong enough feeling for the fact that some people, the ones who are particularly ruthless, are not human beings at all but demons in human form.
"But do not let us broadcast this. There is enough opposition already. Things like this give people a terrible shock. People were frightfully shocked when I had to say that a quite famous university professor with a great reputation had had a very short period between death and re-birth and was a re-incarnated negro scientist.
"But don"t let us publicise these things."
(Rudolf Steiner, 1923, from Conversations with Teachers-4 pp. 36-37)

It is not in the nature of Anthroposophy to be truthful - and it is not in the nature of Highland Hall to be truthful.  If you truly believe that the email campaign by myself and other parents publicizing Mrs. Leonard's actions had nothing to do with Highland Hall's decision to remove Mrs. Leonard from her class, then you must be extremely naive.  Highland Hall needs people who will stand up to dishonesty and fearlessly point to the truth, despite overwhelming opposition, condemnation, threats and slander.  Highland Hall has many, many faculty and administrative staff members who are truthful and honorable - yet perhaps remain complacent when issues like these are exposed.  Please, join me in holding Highland Hall accountable for their actions and decisions.  If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.  Hopefully, we will never have to go through this again.  

Monday, June 6, 2011

It was early one morning in the month of May


Many 5th grade parents have, by now, received an ominous phone call from someone on the Crisis committee letting us know that Mrs. Leonard will not be in on Thursday and Friday.  Some of us got no explanation, others got the explanation that Mrs. Leonard is perhaps exhausted or tired and needed a rest.  For some of us, the fact that the Crisis committee was making the call was a sign that something was amiss.  Indeed, something was.

As this mailing is going out to some people who didn't receive my mailing last night, I will reprint the song Mrs. Leonard's handed out to the children in her class at the end of this letter.  At least one parent contacted Mrs. Leonard and asked her to please collect this song from the children as it seemed inappropriate.  In last night's email, I distributed the song to other parents of the class so that they might be aware of the material that was given to their children and make their own decision about its appropriateness.  I also directed the letter to Ed Eadon, some faculty members, college members and board members.

It turns out that today, Mrs. Leonard chose to SING the song to the children in her class.  I can't imagine what would compel her to do this - defiance, perhaps, or another case of poor judgement on her part, but in any case, clearly she had yet another opportunity to pause before exposing our children to this material and chose not to, this time after having received objections from some of the parents.  I believe she willfully and arrogantly exposed our children to this material. 

I try to have an open mind about most things but I find the contents and tone of the song below disturbing especially in light of the recent issues involving Mrs. Leonard's reading of other inappropriate material to the children of her class.  While these types of songs were, perhaps, acceptable in the 19th century, they certainly don't have a place in schools of today.  This particular song introduces themes of male dominance over women through violence and murder and the mutilation and dismemberment of a woman's body.  I find it distressing that these are similar themes to the ones contained in the material for which Mrs. Leonard was supposedly reprimanded recently.

Highland Hall has had ample and repeated opportunities to take action regarding this issue.  Instead they continue to characterize Mrs. Leonard's regular behavior as "atypical".  The only thing that would be "atypical" in this case would be if Highland Hall admitted openly that they have made a mistake and terminated Mrs. Leonard.  For that would be the right thing to do, and for Highland Hall, doing the right thing, the thing that puts the children above all else, is behavior that, sadly, is "atypical".  

I pray for Mrs. Leonard and hope she gets the help she so desperately needs.

Pete Karaiskos

Here are the lyrics to the song Mrs. Leonard sang to our children today:

It was early one morning in the month of May
Oh the wind and the rain
Two lovers went walking on a hot summer's day
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

He said to the lady "won't you marry me"
Oh the wind and the rain
"And my little wife you'll always be"
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

Then he knocked her down and he kicked her around
Oh the wind and the rain
Then he knocked her down and he kicked her around
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

He hit her in the head with a battering ram
Oh the wind and the rain
He hit her in the head with a battering ram
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

He threw her in the river to drown
Oh the wind and the rain
He threw her in the river to drown
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

He watched her as she floated down
Oh the wind and the rain
He watched her as she floated down
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

She floated on down to the miller's millstream
Oh the wind and the rain
He watched her as she floated down
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

The miller fished her out with a long fishing pole
Oh the wind and the rain
The miller fished her out with a long fishing pole
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

He made fiddle pegs of her long finger bones
Oh the wind and the rain
He made fiddle pegs of her long finger bones
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

He made a fiddle bow of her long curly hair
Oh the wind and the rain
He made a fiddle bow of her long curly hair
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

The only tune that fiddle would play was
Oh the wind and the rain
The only tune that fiddle would play was
A crying the dreadful wind and rain

The Story of Geb



Below is the text of the Egyptian story that Mrs. Leonard read to our children.  I feel that it is every parent's right and responsibility to know what their child has been exposed to so that they can address issues or be watchful for problems with regard to their child.  Accordingly, it is the school's responsibility to make this information available to the parents.  Yet Highland Hall's administration has kept this information from me even though I requested it on five different occasions.  I finally received a copy of this story from another parent, not from Highland Hall.  It occurs to me, especially after reading the March 4th letter from the Evaluation committee and the March 5th letter commending Mrs. Leonard on her fine work, that other parents may not have had the opportunity to read the story below. 


Geb, the grandson of Atum, was the Earth God; his sister, Nut, was his counterpart as the Sky Goddess.  He was often depicted as a recumbent male figure lying beneath a woman, who is Nut.  Sometimes he appears as a goose; at other times, as a goose-headed man, or a man carrying a goose on his head.  In predynastic times, he was probably worshipped in the form of a sacred goose.
            It is perhaps surprising that Geb, the Earth God par excellence, should be male in gender.  In most cultures, the earth, the bringer forth of vegetation and living things, is regarded as female: Mother Earth.  In at least one place, his shrine at Bata in Heliopolis, Geb was worshipped as a bisexual god and credited with having laid the Great Egg from which the sun emerged at the dawn of time in the form of the Benu Bird (p. 47).  One of Geb's epithets was 'The Great Cackler', a reference to the cackle he gave as he produced this Egg.
            The Phakussa Stele (p. 52) tells of how Geb fell in love with his mother, Tefnut.  He yearned for her and wandered about the land in great distress until the day that his father, Shu, departed the earth.  On that day, Geb came upon his mother, Tefnut, in the palace of Shu at Memphis.  He seized hold of her with great violence and raped her.
            Geb does not seem to have been punished for the rape of his mother.  Instead, he became King of Egypt in his father's palace, and reigned successfully for many years.  He was given the title, unique to him, of Iry-paat-neteru or 'Heir of the Gods'.  Geb named as his heir his eldest son, Orisis, who thus became the first of many Kings, both mythological and human, to sit upon the Egyptian thrown, known as 'the Throne of Geb'; and the first to hold the title 'Heir of Geb', which was later borne by the mortal Kings of Egypt.

I can see now why my daughter felt so violated by Mrs. Leonard after being exposed to this story which is clearly not meant for children.  As I read it for the first time, I too felt violated - that Mrs. Leonard, a trusted person would not have the good sense to stop reading this to my child.  Clearly, during the reading of the story above, there were many places where anyone reading it to children might have taken pause to read ahead.  That someone of responsibility could read this in its complete form to 11-year-olds one day and be commended by the school on the next day is beyond belief.  Two years ago, after the Wendy Wilkins incident, I came to terms with the fact that Jeffrey Wilkins was a disturbed teenage boy who could and should be forgiven for his verbal sexual abuse of our children.  But Mrs. Leonard is not a disturbed 15 year old, she is an influential adult teacher at this school who is entrusted with the wellbeing of our children.  I do not easily forgive her for this, the most recent of many lapses of judgement.  I also hold Highland Hall  accountable for why this issue is not being dealt with more severly AND why covering up the incident is still the primary focus of their behavior.  Perhaps it's time for a lesser-known quote from our friend, Rudolf Steiner:

"We tried to be aware how far our present civilization is removed from the search for the truth.  We may say that the times are crying out for the spirit but that people are too arrogant or narrow-minded to search for the true spirit with a real will.  The degree of truthfulness which is essential if we are to perceive what the spirit has to say needs to be taught and developed.  Such truthfulness is not to be found in the educated world today, and, what is worse, people do not realize that it is lacking."  Rudolf Steiner - The Fifth Gospel

Here's one not by Steiner:

The Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist.

Friends, please join me in calling for light in the darkness that has, once again, shrouded Highland Hall.  Truth and openness are nothing to be feared.  Deceit and misdirection are not the tools of honest people.

Pete Karaiskos

Parent Recommendations for Highland Hall

June 26, 2001

College of Teachers & Board of Directors                                              DRAFT
Highland Hall Waldorf School
17100 Superior St.
Northridge, CA 91325

Dear Members of the College & Board:

On Friday, June 22, 2001, we participated in (or have been told about) a meeting held at school that covered many difficult issues surrounding actual and potential exposure to inappropriate/harassing sexual commentary and propositions that a number of the children at our school experienced from Jeffrey Wilkins, the teenage son of then 3rd Grade Teacher, Wendy Wilkins.  It is our understanding that Ms. Wilkins will no longer be teaching at Highland Hall and that efforts are being made to help Ms. Wilkins and her son get the professional help that they and their family need.

The meeting lasted four hours and only ended because people became exhausted.  All acknowledged the need to continue to discuss the various issues that these events have raised.  Understanding that the College of Teachers has spent enormous amounts of time and personal energy dealing with this situation, and hearing an appeal for help in leading the community through this difficult time, we have taken it upon ourselves to outline some potential next steps for the College and Board to consider:

  1.  Investigation & Discovery and Recovery:  Many people felt that before they would be able to contemplate the future, it is critical to understand more fully what actually happened, to the extent it can be learned.  Also, in order to improve our process for dealing with, and ideally preventing, incidents of this nature, we must understand what was done this time, what reasoning went into the decisions that were made and the results of the choices that we collectively made.

As follow-up to the guidelines suggested by the Valley Trauma Center, we recommend that a meeting be set to which all people who have since spoken with their child and who have direct knowledge concerning incidents involving Jeffrey and their child that could be shared to the benefit of others would be encouraged to attend.  The meeting should be facilitated by the Valley Trauma Center personnel.  The purpose of the meeting would be to create a timeline of events that is as complete and accurate as possible.  These events would include incidents involving Jeffrey, parents notifying school authorities of such incidents, the school’s communication(s) with Ms. Wilkins regarding the situation and any other actions taken in regards to the situation.  People with such direct knowledge who are unable to attend in person would be encouraged to provide whatever information they had to offer in writing prior to the meeting.

In order for the meeting to be most productive and to try and limit the potential for a raging forest fire of hearsay, we suggest that every family and faculty/staff member be sent a letter explaining the purpose of the meeting and a description of the recommended process for discussing the situation with their children.  It would probably make sense to enclose the handout from the Valley Trauma Center.  The emphasis would be on calmly eliciting the facts, reassuring the children if they need to share difficult or embarrassing information and helping the children affirm their own power for any potential future incidents of this nature.  The goal is to avoid the inadvertent creation of misinformation in the quest for the needed information to allow healing to be assisted and improved processes to be developed.

The following people are willing to help with drafting the mailing to the community, arranging the meeting time in coordination with the Valley Trauma Center personnel and arranging the logistics for the meeting:   (please let me know if you would like your name added here)

2.  New 4th Grade Teacher Search & Future Teacher Searches:   Many parents in the upcoming 4th Grade feel that it would enhance the process of selecting the next teacher for the class if the College had the benefit of parent opinion, as well as all of the other factors the College takes into consideration when selecting a new teacher.  We recommend that a new Search Advisory Committee be selected by the College from a pool of volunteer parents from throughout the school.  This Advisory Committee would review the resume and any other information available on any teacher candidate under serious consideration by the College, interview the candidate from the perspective of parents, rather than colleagues, and give its impression and any areas of recommended further investigation back to the College as part of the College’s due diligence process.   We would recommend that Advisory Committee members recuse themselves when the teacher candidate is for their own child’s class.

The following people are willing to work with whomever the College mandates to do whatever letter writing, recruiting and other legwork necessary to bring the formation of this committee about:   Alex Wright,  David Cohen (please let me know if you would like your name added here)

3.  Changes to Current Community Practices to Better Protect the Children Under the School’s Care:   In order to realize the opportunity inherent in these unfortunate and painful events, we as a community need to grow and change.  Many questions and ideas have been put forth regarding notification, education, faculty/staff training, etc.  In order for these questions and ideas to be more fully discussed and lead to actual changes in the practices of our school community, we recommend that a committee from the broad community be formed to discuss these issues in depth, solicit ideas from professional resources, such as the Valley Trauma Center and/or other communications facilitators, and discuss with College members what kinds of guidelines and principals govern College decisions.  With this education and opportunity for discussion, the committee would formulate and present recommendations to the Board and College for consideration.

The following people are willing to work with whomever the College mandates to do whatever letter writing to the community and other legwork necessary to bring the formation of this committee about:   Alex Wright,  Lynne Moses (please let me know if you would like your name added here)

We all appreciate that Highland Hall is more than a school, that it is a social community for the families that make up the students, parents, faculty, staff, College and Board of the school.  We also recognize that much of the work that is typically handled by a larger administration in other schools is instead handled by faculty members volunteering to serve on the College at Highland Hall.  Therefore, the work of those in positions of authority in running the school extends far beyond the usual demands of school governance.  For this reason, we recognize that we all need to do our part in bringing about social change and supporting the College and Board in your work.  We sincerely hope that these suggestions are taken in that spirit of responsibility and loving support.


David Cohen
Ayelet Cohen
Alex Wright
Ben Moses
Lynne Moses
(Please let me know if you would like to add your name here) 

cc:  Parent Association

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Father's :Plea - To Highland Hall Board Member

This was a plea for help to Highland Hall board of trustees member Hal Sazzman.  You can see how desperate I was - begging Highland Hall to stop interfering with my daughter's safety.


I'm sorry for involving you in this, but if you're really a friend, please talk with Hasib.  Find out what Angela and Jim have allowed to be done to my daughter.  I have enough on them to have them both thrown in jail along with the 29 year old crystal meth dealer they knowingly allowed {my daughter} to have as a boyfriend.  My daughter has been hooked on crystal meth for over a year.  I saw her Saturday - and I doubt she weighs 80 lbs.

If you still can't tell right from wrong after finding out what Angela and Jim have done to {my daughter}, then something is very wrong.  Again... your words ring in my ears - ENOUGH already!

Please, Hal, work with Hasib.  Help me get {my daughter} away from these two nuts and into rehab without any more interference from Highland Hall.  This is a human plea from one father to another.  Here's why...

So far, Hasib has run interference for Angela.  He won't speak to me unless I threaten him.  He ignored me when I asked for the names of mandated reporters at Highland Hall - when I had to report a crime concerning my OWN DAUGHTER.  I can prove all of this of course.  That's very bad behavior that I'm willing to report to the police.  I'm asking you to intervene before this escalates even further.  I need a responsible person to act as a contact to Highland Hall. 

I would prefer to work with Hasib, but he needs to get out of his denial phase and work positively.  You saw what his denial and refusal to talk with me did over the issue of racism in the classroom, didn't you?  That's still brewing BTW... Now he's trying to come between me and my daughter's safety.  You can imagine, I'm sure, that I'm not about to take much more crap from him before connecting him to this issue.  He did, after all, come in to run interference with me at Jim Pedroja's request.  I'm ready to point all this out to the community as well.  I don't like threats, but Hasib has trained me well - that this is the only thing he responds to - if anything.

Anyway, bottom line is - Highland Hall needs to take responsibility for what has happened to my daughter.  There is WAY too much connecting what happened here throughout her childhood and what has happened since.  {My daughter} needs rehab in a safe facility.  Highland Hall needs to pay for it.  I'd like it to just happen quietly and hopefully you've seen enough by now to know that if it needs to be a community effort, I'll make it one.   I'd prefer that nobody goes to jail over what happened to my daughter... but to be honest, I think a few people should. 

Hasib will probably tell you not to answer me Hal.  All I can say is there is a right side of this issue and a wrong side.  A few people thinking they are defending Angela have been on the wrong side of this issue.  They will, I'm sure, regret it. 

You once confided in me, after a particularly bad display, that Christine Leonard had finally "stepped on her own dick".  Now - Angela has finally done that Hal.  Please help me to get my daughter to safety with as little further incident as possible.  It's in everyone's best interest.

Thanks Hal,
